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As part of our IAPS membership we are allocated a mentor. Our mentor, Dr Patricia Thompson recently visited Ashbridge and commented:


"As you know, I have enjoyed a very full, long and varied career in education, visiting and working in schools, colleges and universities all over the world, especially Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Indonesia, America, France and Denmark, not to mention all over the UK, as an Ofsted and ISI Inspector, a QAA Assessor, a Teacher-Trainer, an adjudicator, and a consultant, but I can honestly say I have never seen such a complete picture of professionalism, academic excellence, outstanding care for all ages, superb leadership and management, with palpable fun and enjoyment, as I gained from your wonderful school and nursery. It really is a very special place that I felt it a great privilege to visit and see it on a normal school day, which was anything but in its shining, beacon-like character. Indeed despite being surrounded by severe wintry weather, the sun shone the whole day, validating the feeling of it being blessed."

Dr Patricia Thompson


Below are some of the comments made during our most recent ISI inspection.

"The quality of the pupils’ achievements, including those in the EYFS is excellent."


"Pupils’ achievements are particularly good in literacy and mathematics. The pupils’ success is underpinned by excellent teaching, and their exemplary attitudes to learning."


"The quality of the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent, strongly supported by the extremely effective arrangements for pastoral care. From an outstanding start in the EYFS, pupils develop high levels of care for each other; they are polite, considerate, confident and articulate. Pupils are given a range of opportunities for responsibilities and accept these with enthusiasm and pride."


"Links with parents are also excellent. Parents are extremely positive about almost all aspects of the school’s educational and pastoral provision."


"The quality of the pupils’ achievements is excellent."


"Pupils of all abilities apply their literacy and numeracy skills well across all subjects. They read fluently with excellent expression."


"Pupils’ achievement is high in a broad range of contexts."


"Pupils’ achievements are supported by their excellent attitudes to learning, their exemplary behaviour and care for each other, and the extremely good relationships they enjoy amongst themselves and with staff."


"The curriculum is unique to the school. It makes frequent use of the school’s natural resources and woodlands."


"Outdoor learning is a significant element for all year groups, and adds much to the pupils’ educational experience."


"Extra-curricular provision is outstanding, considerably enriching the curriculum and is of great benefit to all the pupils."


"The extended school day for all pupils fosters the school’s family atmosphere and further enhances the kaleidoscope of extra-curricular activities."


"The quality of the teaching is excellent."


"Teaching is highly effective in supporting the school’s aims and promoting pupils’ progress."


"In all lessons, strong relationships between teachers and pupils are evident and are a significant factor in successful outcomes for pupils."


"The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent."


"Pupils understand and value of the importance of being part of a family community, so that they learn not only to appreciate their own work but also to celebrate the strength and talents of others."


"Pupils develop an excellent spiritual awareness. A culture that encourages the appreciation of non-material aspects of life permeates the school, and there is a genuine appreciation of the beautiful surroundings. Pupils are confident, reflective and have well-developed self-esteem because caring staff give their time and support them."


"Pupils demonstrate an excellent standard of moral development. Throughout the school, they are able to distinguish right from wrong and understand that rules are necessary for a harmonious community."


"They are valued as individuals and show high levels of concern for each other."


"The quality of pupils' cultural development is excellent. They develop respect for their own culture through the schools programme of music, drama and creative arts."


"The quality of the arrangements for pastoral care is excellent."


"Relationships between staff and pupils are highly positive, and underpin the pupils’’ excellent relationships with each other. Pupils report that they feel safe and receive a lot of help from staff, and the high quality care is recognised by parents."


"There are excellent formal and informal arrangements for pupils to express their views, but the most effective method is the everyday dialogue between staff and pupils."


"The quality of leadership and management is excellent."


"The leadership team has successfully created an ethos and sense of purpose that fully contribute to the excellent quality of pupils’ personal development, their pastoral care, and high quality teaching and learning."


"The school promotes excellent relationships with parents which are characterised by strong lines of communication, strongly supported by the efficient administrative team."


"The setting makes outstanding provision in meeting the needs of the range of children who attend."


"Activities are well-planned to reflect the children’s interests so that they are motivated and excited about their learning, and develop extremely positive attitudes and dispositions towards all aspects of their time in school."


"Leadership and management of the EYFS are outstanding."


"Staff are experienced and well qualified and they form an exceedingly strong team. Self-evaluation is rigorous and has a direct and positive impact on maintaining high standards."


"There is a very effective partnership with parents based on mutual trust and confidence in the school."


"The overall quality and standards of the provision are outstanding."

Preparatory School Preston

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