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A Healthy and Safe Nursery

Policies & Procedures


Policies and subsequent procedures are agreed by the Development Forum and are reviewed regularly.

Copies of policies are made available to parents on the website. These policies and additional policies are also available on request from Reception.


In order to meet our aims and provide a first class service we have established comprehensive policies and procedures.


These underpin all that we do and are essential to ensure children's safety, security, health and wellbeing. They outline the way in which we deliver care and education during the Early Years Foundation Stage and reflect government guidelines and registration expectations.


School Nursery Preston
Safeguarding & Security

Systems to ensure security and safeguarding are comprehensive and of the utmost importance to everyone at Ashbridge.


We consider these areas of fundamental importance and have developed our environment and daily procedures to ensure children are secure and safe. Our eleven acres is ring fenced and all entrances to our premises are securely locked and continually manned.


Car parks are secure for arrival and departure and CCTV operates throughout our premises- providing 24 hour cover of all areas. Within the nursery, parents bring children directly into their areas and staff register them immediately as they arrive.


Children are constantly supervised throughout the day by their key person who liaise with parents as they collect children at the end of the session when they are marked off the register as they leave.


School Nurseries Walton le Dale

Early Years


High quality care is essential to a young child's sense of security and development.


Ashbridge has been developed to the most rigorous standards, ensuring that parents can leave their children in the safest of hands.


Well-qualified staff are led by experienced Managers who ensure that children enjoy the high quality care and education necessary for their development.


Comprehensive policies and clear procedures are applied to ensure that the health, safety and security of the children are paramount. Regular inspections and visits from outside agencies confirm our commitment to the highest standards, and we hold the prestigious Quality Counts Kite Mark, awarded by the National Day Nursery Association at Level 3.


These firm foundations enable our children to attain high levels of achievement when they move on from nursery to school. Transition into the Reception Class is smooth, ensuring progress is maintained at this critical time.


Day Nurseries Hutton
Day Nurseries Walton-le-Dale
Day Nurseries Bilsborrow
School Nurseries Preston

The Development Forum, which is made up of key members of the senior team are responsible for establishing, reviewing and monitoring policies. During inspections, policies and procedures are checked to ensure we meet requirements and statutory responsibilities.


The senior team make sure procedures are followed on a daily basis and all team members complete an induction to the company which introduces them to the way in which we operate.



We welcome feedback on our Policies and Procedures and copies can be viewed or downloaded here >>>

School Nurseries Hutton

Children are never allowed to be collected by anyone other than those indicated at the time of enrolment and further details of security measures relating to arrival, departure and attendance are available within our policy page.


All information relating to children in our care is held confidentially and securely within Data Protection guidelines and permissions for the sharing of information etc. are requested at enrolment.


Safeguarding covers many areas not least the Protection of Children in our care and at Ashbridge we work within government guidelines and have extensive procedures which ensure we fulfil our role and work with families and supporting agencies locally.

School Nurseries Bilsborrow

Healthy Eating


At Ashbridge, we believe that healthy living and healthy eating go hand in hand. That's why we make sure children are offered food and snacks which are nutritionally balanced and include locally sourced fresh ingredients to promote children’s health.


In Nursery children are offered: an early morning snack of porridge and milk, a full lunch with pudding and a tea of sandwiches, crudités and fruit. Children in the baby unit are offered a hot tea.


Children have continual access to water and are encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day.

We ask that parents of young babies provide milk for their children which is warmed and served in line with each child’s individual requirements. Weaning is in consultation with parents.


Social experiences, appropriate manners and good eating habits are strongly encouraged by staff who regularly enjoy mealtimes with the children, providing good role models and offering support where needed.

Day Nurseries Preston

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