Ashbridge +
School Care
Before and After school care is an integral part of Ashbridge life. Children enjoy each others company and have the opportunity to play and socialise together in a safe environment.
This service operates from 7.30 to 8.45am and 3.45 to 6pm. There is a dedicated schoolcare team supervised by the Headteacher who ensure children are actively engaged.
This wraparound service is fully inclusive within our fees and there is no need to book.
We currently over 30 clubs and classes including sporting activities such as Fencing and Hockey, creative pursuits such as Drama and Art, musical clubs such as guitar and choir and entrepreneurial opportunities such as Business Club.
We also offer individual music lessons in piano, keyboard, singing, woodwind and violin. For a full list of current clubs on offer please see the link below.
Ashbridge Families
The Ashbridge Families organisation represents parents whose children attend the nursery and school. The group's main aim is to organise social events and in turn raise funds for special school and nursery projects.
The group meets regularly to discuss forthcoming projects. If you are a current parent and would like to join, then why not come along to the next meeting?
Ashbridge Families can help families to get to know other parents as friends, rather than just someone's mum or dad. Parents are encouraged to take part and new ideas for events are always welcomed.
Events change annually but can include Christmas markets, summer productions and discos.