Learning for Life at Ashbridge School
Formal assessments are completed as both a baseline at the beginning and end of the Reception year and thereafter annually to determine progress. Teachers are happy to discuss children's progress at any time and we encourage parents to take every opportunity to view their child's work. There are also formal parent consultation meetings throughout the year.
In October and February teachers set and review targets and give a general appraisal of each child's performance and attainment. In July a full written report is issued which may be followed by a meeting to discuss points raised and ways forward.
Teaching & Practices
The following Home School Principles outline the code by which we operate and work together:
The school will:
Deliver a high standard of education and care.
Provide a broad and balanced curriculum to meet your child's individual needs.
Encourage your child to do their best at all times.
Encourage your child to respect their surroundings and others around them.
Keep you informed about your child's progress and how you can help at home.
Keep you informed about what your child's teacher plans to teach each term.
The family will:
Support the school in the delivery of its aims.
Make sure their child arrives at school on time, attends school regularly and is properly equipped.
Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect their child's behaviour or performance.
Support their child with their homework and home-learning opportunities.
Attend Consultation Evenings to discuss their child's progress.
Ensure their child attends school presented well, in correct uniform which is clearly labelled.
The child will:
Do all their classwork and homework as well as they can.
Follow the school and classroom rules at all times.
Take good care of the equipment and buildings.
Be friendly, helpful and kind.
Never behave like a bully.
Together we shall:
Have high expectations of our children.
Praise and reward effort and positive attitudes to learning.
Encourage good behaviour and discipline in line with the schools behaviour and anti-bullying policy.
Support each child's learning to help them achieve their best.
The schools record in Sport, Drama and Music is equally impressive and we have regularly achieved success on the sports field, competing with local schools, and impressive results in externally accredited Drama and Music exams. Our children continue to enjoy success in inter-school events and feedback from all who meet our pupils, in whatever context, is continually positive.
Ashbridge is a member of the highly acclaimed Independent Association of Preparatory Schools.
Membership of such a prestigious organisation as IAPS acknowledges our commitment to quality education and recognises the school and nurseries' focus on high academic standards. Being a member of this association will bring many benefits including opportunities for Academic, Sporting, Drama and Cultural exchanges with other prestigious schools and nurseries across the country.
Standards & Achievements
High standards of teaching and learning are the basis for our success and our curriculum is challenging. Our children consistently achieve excellent results in all areas and are regularly assessed. Parents are kept informed of individuals’ progress and attainment through regular meetings and reports.
All performance indicators demonstrate that we are highly successful and as a result we continue year on year to outperform schools in the area. Occupancy and demand for places continues to be strong. It is evident in feedback from parents and children, that Ashbridge not only meets their needs but adds significant value.
Assessment results continue to show that children in the school outperform their peers nationally and locally around Preston. Along with assessments at the end of their nursery years, Ashbridge Independent School pupils sit externally published tests in English and Mathematics at the end of every year from Reception to Year 6. Data provided from these assessments show that the vast majority of Ashbridge pupils are working securely within the expectations for their age, with a significant number of these regularly exceeding year group expectations. All of our Year 6 pupils successfully transfer to the Senior School of their choice.